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HOTWAV VENUS R2 xóa FRP Online ok

Thảo luận trong 'OTHER MODEL' bắt đầu bởi MT mobile, 31/3/20.

  1. MT mobile

    MT mobile
    Ban quản trị

    Operation : Format File System / Reset Settings [ v1.27 ]
    Settings : SmartFormat is On
    1. Remove battery. Insert battery back
    2. Press and hold 'VolumeUp' and 'VolumeDown' keys
    -> Alternative : just ONE 'VolumeUp' or 'VolumeDown' key
    3. Insert cable
    ==== Wait for phone...
    Phone found! [ 90 ]
    Port Opened
    Initial Boot Failed!
    Boot not done, reason : Wrong BootKeys
    Hint : Reset power and use ANOTHER BootKey ( VOL up or VOL down )
    Reconnect Power/Cable!
    Operation : Format File System / Reset Settings [ v1.27 ]
    Settings : SmartFormat is On
    1. Remove battery. Insert battery back
    2. Press and hold 'VolumeUp' and 'VolumeDown' keys
    -> Alternative : just ONE 'VolumeUp' or 'VolumeDown' key
    3. Insert cable
    ==== Wait for phone...
    Phone found! [ 90 ]
    Port Opened
    InitBoot Done [ 0x81 ] , Ver : SPRD3
    Sending FDL
    [Info] : If SW freeze here more, than 15 seconds - remove cable
    FDL Ready!
    Boot Ver : SC773x eMMC Loader v7 InfinityBox
    Sending FLASH FDL
    FLASH FDL Ready!
    Boot Ok!
    FlashMode Set : Ok!
    Checking Structure ...
    Detected eMMC Flash , Structure detect Ok!
    eMMC phone detected! Will use 'Safe Format' mode!
    Mount :
    Size : 0x0000000079DF7000
    State : 0x0001
    Mount : /cache
    Size : 0x0000000009600000
    State : 0x0001
    Prepare Ok! Format Ok!
    Don't touch phone, until it fully bootup to "Welcome Screen"!
    Android 5.x/6.x : Reset FRP Lock
    Reset Ok!
    Elapsed: 00:00:23
    Reconnect Power/Cable!

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