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LG V20 PRO L-01J Unlock Online ok

Thảo luận trong 'LG' bắt đầu bởi MT mobile, 22/12/19.

  1. MT mobile

    MT mobile
    Ban quản trị

    Checking data...OK
    Platform: LG Qualcomm
    Selected port: COM9
    Selected model:
    Reading info...
    Model ID: L-01J
    IMEI: 353494-08-051281-5
    Android version: 7.0
    Battery level: 68%
    Mode: Normal
    Firmware compiled date: Apr 25 2017
    Firmware compiled time: 00:00:00
    Firmware released date: Apr 17 2018
    Firmware released time: 13:19:52
    SW Version: MPSS.TH.2.0.1.c3-00027-M8996FAAAANAZM-1.96786.1.137197.1
    IMEI: 353494-08-051281-5
    Bluetooth address: DC:0B:34:11:1F:3D
    Wi-Fi MAC address: DC:0B:34:B1:05:DC
    SPC: 000000
    Write security backup function doesn't work for this device with latest firmware versions. If you'll encounter any problem during Unlock operation - you won't be able to restore the phone to it's initial state, so proceed at your own risk.

    Reading QCN...
    Send SPC...OK
    Reading Mobile Property...OK
    Reading Feature Mask...OK
    Reading Roaming List 0...OK
    Reading NV_Numbered Items...OK
    Reading NV_Numbered SIM1 Items...OK
    Reading NV_Numbered SIM2 Items...OK
    Reading NV Items...OK
    Reading EFS...OK
    Reading Provisioning Items...OK
    Reading QCN done!
    Backup saved to "353494080512815_22-12-2019_03-39-13.qcn"
    Switching to Download mode...OK
    Initializing flash...OK
    Reading partitions...OK
    Reading security area...OK
    Backup saved to "353494080512815_22-12-2019_03-52-16.SEC"
    Writing security area...OK
    Switching to Normal mode...
    Found model LGL01JAT* ÿh GÊ at port COM9
    Send SPC...OK
    Writing QCN...
    Writing NV_Numbered Items...OK
    Writing NV_Numbered SIM1 Items...OK
    Writing NV_Numbered SIM2 Items...OK
    Writing QCN done!
    Phone successfully unlocked!
    Rebooting phone...

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