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Lenovo A536 repair imei ok.

Thảo luận trong 'LENOVO' bắt đầu bởi Tuan Pham, 9/6/18.

  1. Tuan Pham

    Tuan Pham
    Quản lý forum

    - Lenovo A536 repair imei thành công qua Teamviewer.
    - Lenovo A536 repair imei done via Teamviewer.
    Selected connection metod: Meta Connection
     Exe version: NCKDongle AndroidMTK
     Selected phone: MT6582
     Action : IMEI REPAIR.
     IMEI[1] for write : 111111111111111
     IMEI[2] for write : 222222222222222
     Scanning for presents meta ports...
     Phone must be off with battery inside.
     Please insert USB cable now...
     In some phones need to keep VOL- button untill inserting USB cable.
     [8]Detected: MediaTek PreLoader USB VCOM (Android) (COM8)
     Starting META mode, wait...
     Restarting to meta,wait....
     If drivers missing, please install CDC drivers.
     This can take up to 5 min on slow phones.
     If take too long, check device manager for drivers.
     [31]META Port Detected: Android Gadget VCOM Driver (COM31)
     Start sync target, waiting responce.....
     [AP]BaseBand CPU : MT6582,S01
     [AP]APP_VER: ALPS.KK1.MP1.V2.10
     [META]BaseBand CPU : MT6582, E01
     [META]SW_VER : MOLY.WR8.W1315.MD.WG.MP.V34.P3
     Meta mode conected ok, start reading phone....
     IMEI to repair: [1] 111111111111111
     Phone imei[1] : 111111111111111
     IMEI to repair: [2] 222222222222222
     Phone imei[2] : 222222222222222
     Clean Boot flag ok.
     All done.

    Lê Xen thích bài này.
  2. Lê Xen

    Lê Xen Le Xen Global is complete unlocking solution
    Chuyên Doanh

    để sdt cho đẹp vip ơi
    Tuan Pham thích bài này.

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